Virtual Simulation:Kitchen
The Virtual Simulation:Kitchen (Sim:Kitchen) provides a realistic scenario to assess and train everyday skills in clinical populations. Distractions and complex sequences of cooking, cleaning, sorting and similar skills involving attention, executive functions and memory can be simulated. Sim:Kitchen has been developed as a non-immersive mobile application (Android) and an immersive application for modern Virtual Reality systems (HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Oculus Quest).
Clinicians and researchers alike are utilizing Sim:Kitchen for the assessment and training of attention and executive functions. Assessment scenarios, such as making a cup of tea or preparing a breakfast, have adjustable degrees of difficulty and include real-life distractions to increase relevance to real-life situations. If you are interested in using the Sim:Kitchen in your research studies, contact us.
Sim:Kitchen is currently undergoing user testing with speech pathologists at the University of Queensland’s RECOVER Injury Research Centre, Australia as well as Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre and Brain Injury South Australia in Adelaide, Australia.
Interacting with virtual characters in an immersive kitchen scenario.
Preparing a virtual meal to train activities of daily life.